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People have been practicing massage for at least four millennia. Massage was introduced to the United States almost 200 years ago and has grown in popularity in recent decades. Researchers have found that massage therapy sends calming and healing signals throughout the body, triggering a wide variety of positive changes. Massage can affect all body systems, but primarily stimulates the circulatory, nervous, lymphatic, and musculoskeletal systems. Aromatherapy may be an even older form of treatment, ranging back almost 6,000 years. The Ancient Egyptians, Chinese, Indians, Romans, and Greeks used aromatic oils for healing, as perfumes, and in religious ceremonies. Over the last century, scientists have demonstrated the healing qualities of many essential oils. In World War I, practitioners used these compounds to treat burns, wounds, infections, and even gangrene. In addition to physical healing, essential oils offer many personal and psychological benefits. We treat our clients with a wide variety of essential oils: Frankincense, lavender, and rose to diminish fear and anxiety Neroli oil for blood pressure and stress Orange blossom oil for peace and calm Peppermint or lemon to soothe nausea and vomiting Tea tree oil to fight bacterial/fungal infections and inflammation Rosemary oil for flexibility and motion Ginger or dwarf pine for pain Benefits of Aromatherapy Massage Many massage therapists use aromatic and essential oils to complement their massage practice. People who experience depression may see improvements when adding aromatherapy massage to their current regimes of psychotherapy and medication. The brain areas responsible for scent, emotion, and memory are closely related. Experts believe certain aromas trigger positive memories and feelings and may contribute to anxiety relief. Everyone has different personal associations with various scents. This, coupled with a certain level of belief in aromatherapy treatments, helps determine the amount of healing a particular person may experience. Researchers have conducted a number of clinical studies on aromatherapy. They’ve found that essential oils have a positive effect on many people, especially pregnant women (who may not be able to use other forms of relief).